While many people look forward to winter, others dread it because of the increase in their heating costs. In today’s post, local heating and air conditioning company M&M shares the most common causes of high energy bills in the winter — and what you can do about them.

Faulty thermostat. You might be surprised at how many service calls HVAC companies get that are due to faulty thermostats. This is why the first part of HVAC troubleshooting, regardless of the type of system, is all about the thermostat. Dead batteries, dirty terminals or bad wiring can result in miscommunication between the HVAC system and the thermostat. Addressing these issues and performing a factory reset on your thermostat can help ensure correct output from your HVAC system.
Outdated heating system. HVAC output diminishes as the system ages. Continuing to use a heater that’s years beyond its expected lifespan may drive your heating costs up, or you may get less heating on the dollar for your fuel or electricity expenses. Repairing old HVAC systems also tends to cost more because, in many cases, parts for obsolete models are more difficult to source. Also, newer models are more efficient and help you save more on your future energy bills.
Leaky air ducts. Leaks in the air ducts can reduce the amount of warm air that eventually reaches the rooms in your home. When this happens, your heating system will need to run at full capacity longer, consuming more fuel or electricity in the process. Air ducts are installed in tight spaces, so finding leaks can be difficult and labor-intensive. But don’t worry — HVAC companies like us have the tools to find and repair such leaks.
Poor home insulation. Poor insulation can defeat even the most efficient of HVAC systems. Like a leaky air duct system, a poorly-insulated enclosure will let warm air leak to areas that don’t need to be heated, including the outdoors, consuming more energy in the process. Have an insulation professional identify problem spots and install insulation where needed. You’ll also want to invest in energy-efficient replacement windows and doors.
Call M&M for Your Heating Needs
If you need help with your heating system or air cooler, call M&M at (209) 399-3490. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.