Your water heater may not require a lot of attention, but for it to function properly throughout its life, you must drain it regularly. Make sure you include this on your home maintenance task list this spring along with a professional inspection of your central air conditioning unit. Local HVAC contractor M & M Heating & Air […]
What Causes Wet Air Filters & Why Are They a Cause for Concern?
A clogged, dusty and dirty air filter in your central air conditioning unit is a common problem most homeowners face. This is an issue that can easily be addressed simply by replacing it periodically. However, if you notice that you have a wet, soggy filter, this could indicate a problem with your unit, so it’s a legitimate […]
Reasons Your Heat Pump Isn’t Reaching the Set Temperature
When you set the temperature on your thermostat to, say, 75 degrees, you expect it to reach 75 degrees, right? It can be annoying when you set your thermostat to a certain temperature but your heating and air conditioning unit can’t seem to manage to reach it. Believe it or not, this is actually more common than […]
Clean Your Attic to Improve Your HVAC System’s Efficiency
While most homes have attics, not all of them are cleaned on a regular basis. For the most part, attics are only used for storage, which usually leads to the buildup of dust and clutter. You may think this isn’t a problem since it’s out of sight, but if you want to improve the efficiency […]
What’s the Issue When Your Heating Unit Smells Like It’s Burning?
A burning smell coming from your furnace doesn’t necessarily mean you need to call the local fire department immediately. If it’s the first time you’ve smelled it, however, you should have it checked out by heating and cooling professionals like those at M & M Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co.