Does your heat pump feel like it isn’t blowing enough warm air? If so, don’t ignore this — low heat pump output is a sign of one or more problems that could result in high energy consumption and a shorter service life. In today’s post, local heating repair company M&M discusses how to troubleshoot a heat pump […]
Why Replace Your Furnace & Air Conditioner at the Same Time?
Furnaces usually last longer than air conditioning units. The average lifespan for air conditioning units is 15 to 20 years, while furnaces generally last 15 to 30 years. However, if your furnace is more than 15 years old and you need an AC replacement, it makes more practical—and financial—sense to replace your air conditioner and furnace at […]
4 Factors That Affect Your Water Heater’s Lifespan
Water heaters typically last about 10 years or so, but knowing the factors that can affect your heating system’s lifespan can help you get the most out of it, perhaps even prolong the time between replacements. M and M Heating and Air Conditioning Service Co. lists these factors and how they affect your heating system.
Why You Should Switch to Central Air Conditioners Right Away
There’s a simple concept behind how a central air conditioning unit works: the unit itself cools down air, which is then circulated throughout the home via supply and return ducts, controlled by registers, while warm air from within the home is carried away by the same system of ducts back into the unit for another […]
How Heating and Air Conditioning Can Alleviate Allergies
The most common causes of allergies can be found right at home. The worst part of it is that they often start right from the most vital parts of it, like the heating and cooling systems. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain your AC and heating regularly and to make it as clean and allergen-free […]