When spring and summer come along, you can save a lot of money to offset the huge cooling and heating costs in the later months. You can also prolong the longevity of your appliances when you lessen the strain on them in everyday use.
Experts over at M & M Heating and Air Conditioning Service Inc. have collected a lot of advice for homeowners on how to really save energy during the spring and summer.
These tips are from real professionals, who know what they’re talking about when it comes to heating and cooling your home.
HVAC energy saving tips
1. Open your windows during the right time of day.
Nights are going to be cooler so skip the air conditioning. If it’s too cold, cover up with blankets. In the morning when it’s the coldest, close the windows to trap the cold air in for as long as possible.
2. Afraid of UV rays? Add special coatings to your windows.
There are special coatings that can be added to your windows that can filter both UVA and UVB rays.
3. Set your water heater to 120 degrees.
This setting leaves the water to warm only and not heat completely. Thanks to the better weather, you don’t really need water that’s too hot. Experts say that this can save up to 18% on your energy bill every month.
4. Have your AC maintained and cleaned.
M & M Heating and Air Conditioning can clean and maintain your air conditioner. This makes it work more efficiently and on less power than when it needs maintenance.
5. Lessen the heat from light sources.
Open the curtains, windows, and blinds. Let natural light be responsible for lighting your home during the day instead of lamps and bulbs. Change your fixtures to LED types to save on energy costs.
6. Place your thermostat in a good location.
HVAC professionals say that your thermostat should be placed away from heat, which could come from light fixtures and TV sets. Ask a professional the best place to put your thermostat.
The Modesto, CA weather in the spring and summer call for regular maintenance on your HVAC system. Contact M & M Heating and Air Conditioning at (209) 952-6580 to get a consultation on how you can keep your home comfortable during these months without overspending on energy.